Sunday, April 21, 2013

Saskatoon half marathon

I haven't blogged in so long!  This weekend I went to Saskatoon with Nathan, and stayed at my sisters place for free.  We went for dinner, to the mall, the driving range for my first time golfing, mini golfing, and to the zoo. It was such a great weekend.  I ran the half marathon of the Saskatchewan marathon on Sunday, May 24.  During my training I started doing 10s and 1s (run 10 min, walk 1) and found it very helpful for me.  That's exactly what I did in the race as well.  Must be what works for me!

I finished in about 2:15, which is great for me! I'm not very fast yet. While I was running across a huge bridge there and down by the river, it felt like I was in San Francisco again, just slightly muggier! The water from the river smelled and felt like salt, even Nathan noticed that. Maybe it was just the muggy weather. It threatened to rain all weekend but didn't actually rain during the race at all! Just nice warm overcast, perfect running weather to keep me cool. I couldn't have asked for a better race.

Of course, Nathan took my car and drove along to meet me at about 4 check stops along the route. It helped tremendously knowing I would see him every few kilometers after 10k (the easy first half). 

And I ate 1 pack of GU chomps and half of a gel, lots of water, and I was good to go. At the end I wasn't too dead surprisingly, even though the last 3km were difficult with a lot of walking. Yesterday, however, I could barely walk. Today is better, but every tiny piece of my legs is just so sore. 

Oh and I forgot to mention, I ran the entire race with my shorts inside out...which have built in underwear that were then tightly attached to the outside of my shorts. Lovely. Hopefully no one noticed, my tank top was long! 

Full marathon, here we come!

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