Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First blisters

This morning I woke up to sore toes and a few blisters.  Terrible.  My toes are so sore and I can feel blisters starting on several toes.  Yesterday, I ran 15km, my longest run this year so far.  It was a fairly large increase but I was feeling great and wanted to do it!

I think I'll try increasing my distance a bit slower, I know there's the famous 10 percent rule to follow per week. 

So this morning I went to the Running Room and they were super helpful as always.  They showed me some rubber/plastic toe caps to prevent blisters on certain toes, or to protect blistered toes.  Everything there is expensive, so I thought if it happens again I'll go back and start using toe caps for long runs, but until then I just bought a pair of double padded running socks.  I need to buy more high quality running socks with padding in the toes!

I've already decided that I will NEVER be a runner with blisters, black and bruised toenails, or toenails falling off.  They say "it's not if, it's when" you get black toenails and blisters.  But I refuse.  If my toenail ever turns black or falls off I will cry.  That would be so embarassing and gross to wear sandals in warm weather!  So I will prevent these things before they happen. 

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