Sunday, March 17, 2013

Aiming high!

Apparently I am aiming very high this year, as I've already signed up for 5 races this summer!  I only began running last summer, and I don't even know why.  Nathan always says, "you just decided you were going to be a runner one day!".  Last summer, I did a 10k and a 20k, but neither one did I train for very much or take very seriously. 

This year is different.  I've been running lots, and with a few friends each week too!  I've incorporated stairs and cross training, and yoga soon to come!  Any tips on yoga at home (tight budget)?

In May I will run my first full marathon in Saskatoon, the Saskatchewan Marathon.  Then in June, only 2 weeks after my marathon, is the Alberta Women's Challenge 10k with a few girls from work.  I'm aware that a race only 2 weeks after my marathon isn't smart, so I'm going to take it easy with my pace and not push myself too hard at that race.  I'm glad it's only 10k.  In July I have 2 races, the Color me Rad 5k with Janine, our boyfriends, and a few other people.  I am so excited for that one, especially to see Janine run 5k!  Then, Nathan and I will run the Moose is Loose 10k at Emily Murphy park.  I've heard this is a challenging trail race, I am going to be training him in the next few months each Wednesday when we do our stair workouts as well.  He's not a runner, and does not want to be, so after this 10k I am forcing upon him I will stop.  Unless he likes it...

August is going to be the best month of my whole year.  I can't wait.  I will be traveling to Vancouver to run the Lululemon SeaWheeze half marathon with Kara and Courtney.  It is a huge, popular event.  It appears that my $125 spent on the half marathon will be well spent--free manicures, pedicures, massages, Lululemon speed shorts, flip flops, food, an outdoor concert, and yoga by the ocean with hundreds of other runners.  Nathan is coming to Vancouver too, and we will make a 9-day ish trip of it by traveling to the Island, Seattle, and Kelowna as well. I love BC so much, we have a giant itinerary started already.

Here's to my spontaneous running year of aiming high!  I hope I am able to successfully complete all of my races and goals.

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